At Het Nieuwe Instituut & Willem de Kooning Academy I hung up x4 A2 matte prints of collages with only the background of the images (people removed). I also made 4 audio clips associated with each print.

I experimented with collecting people’s memories from our shared moments (before they had seen my images, in order not to contaminate their memory with my photos), and also asked another person to see what memories she could associate with my photos. Audio of friends recounting their memories, without seeing any of the photos, plus recordings from the original memories themselves.

I also made a personal video (phone footage) from some of the memories shown, for showing to friends.
- Remake to Reminisce - invites the viewer to use their individual context to connect with the creator’s personal snapshots.

How do you perceive an image that is not yours, when you’ve never fully seen it, and most likely have never lived it? Perhaps you have, but in another way.

To expose the photos in their full form, to anyone but the people who have been documented, would be to lose value. Visual context is removed and reconstructed, and therefore the viewer is invited to delve deeper in several ways.
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